Friday, 15 November 2019

Tropes and Pressors - Part 2 of a 3 part series.

Tropes and Pressors  -A 3 part series.
Part 2 of 3  # KYJ (Knowing your jargon)
This episode – The Pressors
Recap from yesterday …
Vasopressors are drugs we give to squeeze arteries (and veins) to increase SVR (Afterload and Blood pressure, and subsequently MAP.

Inoptopes :more correctly – positive inotropes, are drugs we give to increase the force of the cardiac contraction. This increases SV, and CO which of course increases MAP.  Its all about that MAP!!.
So when are each indicated?
God I wish it was that simple, but it comes down to etiology (cause) and type of shock occurring in the patient.
If you didn’t already view the post on shock, or watch my Video on shock;  then perhaps that might be a good place to refresh.
Remembering there are 4 main types of shock: hypovolemic, distributive, cardiogenic, and obstructive. Vasopressors and inotropes may be indicated for all types, and though most of the medications can be used in each type, we do need to tackle the specifics of each one.

So….here goes.
The major vasopressors include phenylephrine, norepinephrine, vasopressin and Metaraminol.
Drugs like Adrenaline and Dopamine are vasopressors, but they also exert inotrope properties.

Then  out on a limb (good choice of words really) Dobutamine and Milrinone are obligate inotropes.

So Last bit of FIZZ (physiology before we dive into the drugs)
Receptors to consider for this post :
Adrenergic - Alpha 1 – Cause Vasoconstriction
Adrenergic - Beta 1  - Causes increase Chronotropy and Inotropy
Vasopressin Receptors – V1 = vasoconstriction, V2= reduced urine output.

The Vasopressors
By redistributing blood back to the heart, vasopressors help increase CO directly with an increase in blood return to the heart (Preload), and  and increase in SVR. through arterial vasoconstriction peripherally. There are  main groups are catecholamines, Smooth Muscle and dopaminergic receptors
The Vasopressors are ‘Boss of the Pit’ when distributive shock (Sepsis, Neurogenic disruption or anaphylaxis) is the dominant cause of drop in Cardiac output.  The goal of vasopressors is to increase the SVR by direct constriction of the vessels.
Two distinct physiologies are happening in distributive shock.  
First a loss of nerve messages to blood vessel walls  causes them to relax – dilate, and blood pools in the peripheries.  With the maldistribution of volume between central and peripheral circulation, (blood stuck out in the veins of Arms and legs), there is little perfusing the core vital organs.  Remember at any given moment in time your 5.5 litres of blood is parked 30% in your arteries, and 70% in your veins.  Increases in that venous pooling causes a dramatic drop in arterial flow/volume and of course, pressure (SVR and MAP).
Secondly, as blood in peripheral areas pools, and causes congestion, this vasodilation extends to the capillaries, and these little guys are super leaky.   As they congest, and spill their plasma into the peripheral tissues, you see oedema forming and drop in blood volume, which is now becoming thick and viscous as plasma leaves, the haemoconcentrated blood now has a tenacious sticky vibe going on.  Bad bad bad.   You can see why we fluid resuscitate these people.  In fact, a fluid load, is frequently the First line treatment; and only after some sauce is given to we then squeeze the pie – ok bad visual.
Note to Americans – in Australia we eat real pies with meat inside – sauce “dead horse”  or what you mob call “ketchup” is a must have.

Right Back to it…

Remembering that that Magic MAP of 60 to 65 mm Hg is required to perfuse organs (American College of Critical Care Medicine (ACCM) guidelines). If fluid resuscitation doesn’t get that MAP up to 60 mm Hg, it is recommended that vasopressors be next in line.

So what do we select? 
Norad (Noradrenaline) / Norepinephrine
The first of our Catecholamines, and a favourite in the Sepsis world (Surviving Sepsis Campaign recommendation).

We follow this with Adrenaline (epinephrine) or Vasopressin  as a back up plan
Norepinephrine is recommended as the initial pressor for  because it lights up those Alpha  receptors.  In blood vessels, these receptors act like switches that open Calcium gateways into the smooth muscle cells lining the vessel walls.   As they get turned on, Calcium rushes in, causing the muscles to contract (constrict) pushing up the pressure, and squeezing the blood out of those naughty veins, back to the heart and central core circulation.   By increasing the venous return, then you increase the Preload, and the heart now has volume it can use to pump with.  They also act on the arteries (remember that constriction here increases SVR and MAP)  … And that is the game changer.

Metaraminol is trade named Aramine, and Metaramin.  It is a potent alpha 1 stimulant, with weak Beta effects.  It tends to be used in spinal cord injuries that result in distributive neurogenic shock, and to bring up BP in a perianaesthetic scenario.  RFDS in Australia use it as a first line "rescue drug" for increasing BP that can occasionally plummet when performing rapid sequence induction (emergency intubation).   Dose is usually up to 10mg diluted to 20 ml and given in a good secure IV line as a slow push over 1-2 mins

Vasopressin is a natural hormone also known as ADH (Antidiuretic Hormone) normally secreted from the Pituitary gland.
It fires up specific Vasopressin 1 and 2 receptors.  Remember V-1 receptors to stimulate smooth muscle contraction of the vessels , and the V-2 receptors in the kidneys stop urine production hence increased blood volume, and increased CO and MAP.
It wont cause the patient to increase heart rate, or increase force of contraction.

This is another pressor that occasionally gets bandied around, but caution in use is advised because it tends to cause a reflex bradycardia.
Ironically, as much as it fires off those alpha receptors to cause vasoconstriction, The sudden increase in BP can trigger off the vagus nerve (Parasympathetic) which is actually the nerve that tells the heart to “Go Slow – this is a school zone”.  So BP goed up, parasympathetic response kicks in and a reflex bradycardia loses the ground you gain.  Some docs love it- Im not convinced.  Many of you will know of Phenylephrine as the why bother replacement for pseudoephedrine in the old cold and flu tablets.
Phenylephrine is a pure alpha-1 agonist, inducing peripheral arterial vasoconstriction. Reflex bradycardia may occur due to selective vasoconstriction and elevation of blood pressure.

Also known as Epinephrine, this hormone has essentially equivocal activity on alpha-1 and beta -1 receptors. So Epinephrine increases SVR through the Alpha 1, and the Beta effects on increasing Inotropy and  HR, boost cardiac output on both sides of the equation (CO=SVxHR).

Dopamine is a precursor of norepinephrine and epinephrine (catecholamines).  So it essentially does the same thing.  All good pies need a reliable base, so as a precursor to the catecholamines, the effects are both vasopressor and inotropic.
Controversy exists around whether differing doses of Dopamine affect different tissues. Many readers will recall that low doses increase renal perfusion(5 to 15 micrograms/kg/min), and higher doses (>15 micrograms/kg per minute), are more peripherally vasopressor.
Giving Pressors
IV.   Say it out loud.  IV.   These drugs are for intravenous (IV) use only.   They are fast acting, short duration, and epically destructive if an IV cannula through which these drugs are given, should extravasate (tissue).
It’s a brave clinician that will settle for a peripheral IV line, so as soon as possible these patients should have a central access (either CVL or PICC).  Doses are dependent on presentation but always via a pump, and the patient should be very closely monitored – especially heart rate and BP, but also Sats, JVP and breath sounds.  As BP can rise dramatically with pressors, complications like heart failure can declare itself with a surprise ankle swelling, pulmonary oedema, and breathlessness.
Next part of our series will tackle the other class of drugs, looking deeper at the Beta 1 receptor meds  - the inotropes.

Now the physiology and Jargon is out the way, stay tuned for Part 2 as we dive into the deep dark world of the "Tropes and Pressors"
Dont forget to check out the YouTube videos I do

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Tropes and Pressors - Part 1 of a 3 part series

Tropes and Pressors 
Part 1 of 3  # KYJ (Knowing your jargon)
To kick off this KYJ  we first need to unpack a bit of terminology.  So this is Part 1 of 3

Shock  is a state of  oxygen deficit (hypoxia) to tissues; all tissues – and of particular concern, vital organs (heart , brain, lungs, kidneys). Shock is global cellular hypoxia.  Whilst shock can be caused by a lack of oxygen in the blood itself, most shock is actually a drop in perfusing pressure of what blood is available.  SHOCK VIDEO

MAP is Mean arterial pressure.  It is, in its most basic of descriptors the average blood pressure (mean) that perfuses vital organs.  A low MAP will therefore be consistent with shock, irrespective of how oxygenated the blood is.  Magic MAP number to aim for is 60 mmHg.  Below 60, and we struggle to perfuse our Kidneys.
MAP is determined by two things.
Cardiac output, and Systemic vascular resistance.
Cardiac output is the volume of blood you pump out in any given minute (normally 4200-7000ml).  It is made up of how much you heart pumps in one beat (Stroke volume (SV)) x the number of times/in that you beat (Heart Rate (HR)).  
The maths looks like this:  CO = SV x HR.

Stroke Volume
Your ventricles are a muscular bag of blood.  When they contract (systole), blood is ejected in a volume called a stroke volume (SV).  We don’t eject all of our blood with every contraction, infact your heart fills with about 100ml, and pumps out 70ml. 
This stroke volume represents 70% of the ventricle’s filling volume.  That percentage (70%) is called an ejection fraction (EF). 
Stroke volume (SV) is determined by a few factors. 
·         Strength of your heart beat,  (Inotropy)
·         how much blood was in your heart, (Preload)
·         the pressure inside the artery that your heart is pumping into (Systemic Vascular Resistance – also called Afterload) and,
·         the stiffness of the ventricle. (Compliance)

This is a concept that refers to the strength of a heart’s contraction. 
So what if I could give you a drug that increased the force of your contraction?   Then you’d fill with 100ml, but pump out a greater SV by increasing your EF.  That drug is therefore referred to as a positive Inotrope.
Positive Inotropes are hormones or drugs that increase the strength (force) of the heart contraction (Inotropy).   Typical Inotropes include Dopamine, digoxin, adrenaline, dobutamine and others; we will discuss in detail in Part 2.
Loss of inotropy occurs after infaction, ischaemia, or with an aging stiff heart.   Collectively this is called Heart Failure.

Fundamentally, preload is about the filling and the stretching of your ventricles.  Passively the Left ventricle fills up to about 70 ml, then the atria contracts squeezing (pushing ) in another 25-30 ml.  Like, you’re your suit case is full, but some muppet says, “hey Dad, can you fit my jacket in”?   so you are there squeezing a jacket into an already full case.     The case isn’t full its now Preloaded.   It is stretched and bulging.   Preload in the heart is determined by a couple of factors.  The force of an atrial contraction (lost in AF or flutter), and the volume of blood returning to the left heart from the lungs.  So, atrial arrythmias, and hypovolaemia can dramatically lead to a reduced SV, CO, MAP and subsequently shock.

Systemic Vascular Resistance (Afterload)
As a pipe carrying fluid is compressed (narrowed), the pressure inside the pipe increases. Thus, squeezing blood through a narrower artery leads to increased in pressure.  This is called systemic vascular resistance (SVR). Increasing the SVR leads to increased blood pressure, mean arterial pressure (MAP) and increased perfusion to organs.  
Vasopressors are natural hormones, or drugs that cause an increase vasoconstriction.  Commonly these are just referred to as “pressors”.  Common drugs that fall into these categories include Noradrenaline(norepinephrine), Metaraminol, phenylephrine, vasopressin, and good old adrenaline

Now the physiology and Jargon is out the way, stay tuned for Part 2 as we dive into the deep dark world of the "Tropes and Pressors"
 Who is Rob Timmings and ECT4Health?   Follow on Facebook

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Saturday, 9 November 2019

Smoke inhalation

Smoke inhalation
#KYJ #KnowingYourJargon

With so many fires in the last few days (weeks) and forecast over this coming month, I though it might be time to review smoke inhalation injury as a presentation.

The reality is that inhalation of smoke causes more deaths in fires than the burns.
It has been estimated that  greater than half, and up to 80% of fire related deaths are due to toxic exposure to products of combustion and or asphyxia .

When stuff burns it releases gases and particulate matter (smoke).   The gases are toxic, colourless and often odourless.  When you smell or see smoke, this is aerosolised ash, and incomplete or unburned product.

It’s what you can’t see or smell that is actually the killer.
Let’s look at these

Carbon dioxide (CO2) is produced in all carbon fuelled fires (wood, paper, oils, petrochemicals and any products manufactured from these).
When inhaled, CO2 displaces oxygen in the lungs, reducing gas exchange (less oxygen into blood, and dramatically less CO2 out) = profound hypoxaemia and hypercapnic acidosis (Respiratory acidosis).

Carbon monoxide (CO) is present in any incomplete carbon fuel combustion. Like CO2 it’s odourless, colourless and deadly poisonous.  When inhaled, it binds to haemoglobin in red blood cells with such high bonding affinity, that it displaces oxygen.  This means that red blood cells can’t carry oxygen, so the patient is not just hypoxaemic, but globally hypoxic.  Headaches, confusion, chest pain and altered consciousness.
When measuring Sats on these patients, the sats probe can’t differentiate between oxygen rich blood and carbon monoxide poisoned blood.   They often look pink, perfused and in severe poisoning, their sats are 100%. The probe is just looking at blood colour, and CO causes blood to turn bright red just like oxygen. Think exposure to car fumes, bush fires.

Cyanide gas
Cyanide is a cellular toxin.  It is released from burning synthetics and wool. Once breathed in, it diffuses into plasma where it off gases into cells.  It is a deadly cytotoxic that shuts down cellular metabolism and energy production.
Death is quick when cyanide (the blue death) is involved.   Think of caravan, tent, building and car fires, where synthetic textiles are abundant.

Inhalation of other pneumotoxic particles / ash that can be super heated, causes burns and inflammation in the delicate lung tissues. This rapidly leads to acute lung injury (ALI) and surfactant decrease (pneumonia) resulting in two presentations-  atelectasis (lung collapse and consolidation) and pulmonary oedema, as damaged lung swells and leaks fluid into the spaces between the alveoli and the capillaries.  In technical terms, this leads to a VQ (ventilation / Perfusion (Q)) mismatch which reduces oxygen gas exchange.

Finally asphyxia.
Asphyxia is caused when there is a lack of oxygen in the air you breathe.  In a poorly ventilated area, Fire is consuming oxygen, reducing that which is available.  As you breathe poorly oxygenated air, you asphyxiate.  Fresh Air has 21% oxygen , and as the fire burns, it consumes this  oxygen just like you and I.   As oxygen levels In the Air drops to around 15%, The concentration of oxygen still supports burning, but is too low to maintain consciousness. So when these situations occur, like in a building fire, or in a bush when you are surrounded by dense smoke and smouldering trees, you’d collapse and go unconscious before you got burned.   In a home fire, the reality is, they never wake up to smell the smoke or fire or even to respond to the smoke alarm (as controversial as that last bit may sound).
They were unconsciousness, and never felt a thing. 

So.... the patients you see with smoke inhalation are actually the lucky ones.

Any way you look at smoke inhalation, asphyxia, cyanide or CO poisoning; these conditions all represent an injury due to poor oxygenation.... this is quite simply, shock.

Oxygen is the first line treatment.  In smoke inhalation we can not rely on pulse oximetry to assess oxygen status because the probes can’t differentiate between carbon monoxide and oxygen. Formal arterial blood gases must be used. The benefit of arterial blood gas analysis, is that a carbon monoxide reading called a carboxyhaemoglobin can also measure the CO in the red blood cells.
Normal is less than 3% for non smokers.  Anything over COHb 15% is cause for concern and high flow O2 (aiming for 100% oxygen via a tight fitting mask), is recommended until COHb drops below 4-5%.

Secondary management of smoke inhalation is symptomatic.  If pulmonary oedema is manifest, then non-invasive positive pressure ventilation (Ni-PPV), Lasith and or nitrates (GTN infusion or patches) might be useful.

Acute lung injuries have high mortality and poor prognosis, so management often requires ICU admission and steroids to stem inflammation.

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