Friday, 6 March 2015

Ross River Virus infection

After recent big rain and a cyclone in the South East of Qld, we find our selves on the cusp of an epidemic of Ross River Virus

This painful condition is spread by Mosquitos breeding in water dishes, puddles, pot plant trays, and any still sources of water around the home.  Easily recognised as small black Mosquitos with white dots on their torso and "magpie footy socks" the Aedes genus are also responsible for other diseases. 

The virus is harboured in kangaroos, wallabies and Flying foxes. Once bitten by the mozzie the virus is transmitted to humans when we are bitten.

Symptoms are awful.  Aching joints (polyarthritis), headache, fever and victim feel lethargic.  The incubation is 3-14 days and symptoms last on average 4-6 weeks and are debilitating.
There is no cure, it is not fatal, and all victims recover.

Only symptomatic treatment is available (anti-inflammatory medications. Rest and gentle joint movement is recommended.

Brisbane, Gold and Sunshine Coast, and the Darling downs are about to see huge numbers of infection.
Prevention of mozzie breeding and protection from being bitten is paramount. 

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